Virtuemart 3 Templates by Flexible Web Design


The other day Virtuemart Team released Virtuemart 3 Release Candidate (VM2.9.9.2). We are hoping to see stable VM3 very soon (most likely in November).

But are we ready for Virtuemart 3? How many templates, modules or plugins are available for VM3? None? If you think that way, you are mistaken.

We, as Flexible Web Design, have already tested tested our templates against Virtuemart 3. The good news is; we haven’t faced any challenging issue. That means, we will start releasing new versions of our templates and modules/plugins very soon.

We all hoping to release new version for Virtuemart 3 Template – CleanMart and Virtuemart 3 Template – PureMart that will be compatible with Virtuemart 3, next week (in the same week when VM3 stable version is officially released). It might be little earlier or later than the exact release date though. But we are working hard to launch all new versions as soon as VM3 becomes available and we want our new Virtuemart templates to be bug-free. (of course there is no such thing like bug-free; but the less bugs we achieve, the more we succeed.)

The most challenging part for us to develop Virtuemart 3 compatible version of our Joomla Virtuemart Templates (SportMart, StyleMart, Asymmetric, CoolMart and StyleMart). Because they are not just Virtuemart templates, but they are also Joomla Templates. (all-in-one template packages). After VM3 spread to world, Joomla 3.x is also coming to Virtuemart user’s life. This makes our life little complicated as developers, because we will also work harder to support Joomla 3.x.

This blog post will be updated as we progress.

Stay tuned!!

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2 Responses to Virtuemart 3 Templates by Flexible Web Design

  1. Paoktsaki says:

    The puremart update for vm3 is on the way? I am still waiting…
    I dont know the “very soon” what means..

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