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Use this Category for your support questions about Responsive Joomla Virtuemart Template - Asymmetric (SKU# FLEX-00017)

TOPIC: Bugs and missing icons

Bugs and missing icons 10 years 4 months ago #9087

Dear support,
I have installed the template using One-by-One method.
Quite everything works fine but I have still some problems.

Attachment p1.png not found

The product displayed has children and the customer has to choose a children in order to add it to his cart.
If no children is selected it shouldn't appear red button "Call for Prices"

Attachment p2.png not found

In fact, after I select from menu a child it display price and yellow "Add to Cart" button

Attachment p3.png not found

Using Chrome however, I cannot see + button. In Explorer I can. I have tried on two different pcs.

Thank you
Last Edit: 10 years 4 months ago by Luca Marani.
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Bugs and missing icons 10 years 4 months ago #9089

Website Address: shop.marcomweb.it
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Bugs and missing icons 10 years 4 months ago #9097


Let me give you brief descriptions about how the "Generic Child Variant" works;

The parent products and child products behave like an individual product. But while creating the custom field; choosing "parent is not order able" makes sense, because this is what it is supposed to be. Parent shouldn't be order able and shoppers must choose child product to add to cart. BUT! since the parent product is also a "product" itself by itself. It's stock number and its price is also gets into account when there is no child is selected.

(FYI: if you define ZERO stock number for the parent product, that product will be marked as "Out of stock" in the category browse page even though its child products have some stock. So, make sure the stock number is also larger than zero for parent. Since the parent will never be ordered, its stock number will never decrease, but for the initial state; it should have positive stock number.)

If you enable "Show Call for Price if the price is empty" option through VM Backend >> Configuration >> Prices then leave the parent product's price field empty, then the "Call for Price" button will be visible for the parent. Which is ideally wrong.

What you need to either one of them;
- Define a price for "parent" product as well (don't leave the price field empty)
- Disable the "Show Call for Price if the price is empty" option through VM Backend >> Configuration >> Prices

So, you won't see the "Call for Price" button for the parent product.

About the second issue, i have no logical explanation for you about why it happened, weird. But it is easy to resolve. Here is the patch:
open this CSS file:

scroll to the bottom and include this CSS rule:
.FlexibleCSS3ButtonQuantity span.quantity-box, .FlexibleCSS3ButtonQuantity span.quantity-box input.quantity-input { width:59% !important}

Everything will be set.

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Rate Zoom Effect and write a couple of sentences to share your experience with the support team.
It won't take more than 2 minutes from you but it is extremely important for us.

Thanks in advance!

Last Edit: 10 years 4 months ago by Support.
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Bugs and missing icons 10 years 4 months ago #9119

Dear Support,
thank you for your help.
The second after I've write you I found the solution for parent price...
Your solution for PLUS button works like a charm! Thank you.
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Bugs and missing icons 10 years 4 months ago #9128

Hello again.
I setup on same site the background slideshow.
However it is shown wrong. It added a margin and it doesn't change between my two images..

Thank you for your help
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Bugs and missing icons 10 years 4 months ago #9146

To add background slideshow (like you see in our DEMO)

Create a Custom HTML Module and enter these HTML line:
<img src="images/slideshow/slide1.jpg" border="0" />
<img src="images/slideshow/slide2.jpg" border="0" />
<img src="images/slideshow/slide3.jpg" border="0" />
<img src="images/slideshow/slide4.jpg" border="0" />
<img src="images/slideshow/slide5.jpg" border="0" />

change the Image URL as you wish. (put more than or less than 5 pictures. it is up to you)

- Choose this module position: backgroundslideshow
- Publish the module in homepage only (or what ever page you want to show the slideshow)

Then you will have exactly the same look as you see in our DEMO.

BUT! the slide pictures must be large. minimum 1600x1000 is recommended.

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Bugs and missing icons 10 years 3 months ago #9325

I have found the issue about background slideshow: it was due to module on top-a position. If I switch that to top-b, it starts to work.

Now I'm still facing some problems with menu: I setup SHOP ONLINE menu (shop.marcomweb.it domain) and would like "BUS DI CAMPO" and "MARCHI TRATTATI" stay on same level horizontally, like in demo website do "WOMEN'S" and "FEATURED BRANDS".

I setup "MARCHI TRATTATI" as a Text Separator like done in demo website for FEATURED BRANDS.
Why is doesn't work?

Thank you
Best regards
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Bugs and missing icons 10 years 3 months ago #9332


I didn't understand what exactly you are asking.
I am seeing SOFTWARE and MARCHI TRATTATI stays at the same level, which is normal.

Attachment ScreenShot2014-03-31at10.31.54PM.png not found

(just like how it is in our DEMO)

Attachment ScreenShot2014-03-31at10.32.00PM.png not found

You want to change the orders of SOFTWARE and BUS DI CAMPO ?
If so, you can change that order from Joomla Menu Manager. So the BUS DI CAMPO will be above the SOFTWARE.

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Bugs and missing icons 6 years 10 months ago #15208

some bugs I've found.

- I have updated both joomla, virtuemart and this template and i'm facing same issue as before: quantity box and '+' is missing.
See attached 1

Attachment 1.png not found

- When I click on a PDF file, uploaded as product media, it isn't downloaded but it try to show in preview.
See attached 2

Attachment 2.png not found

Above issues can be tested on

- Children products are not shown in product page as dropdown list. For example this prduct should have different children that have to be shown ad image in my previous posts

Thank you for your help
Best regards
Last Edit: 6 years 10 months ago by Luca Marani.
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Bugs and missing icons 6 years 10 months ago #15223


To fix the "quantity" button problem

1-Open this CSS file:
2- Scroll to the bottom
3- Insert these lines:
.FlexibleCSS3Button * { box-sizing:border-box;}
.FlexibleCSS3Button:hover .FlexibleCSS3ButtonQuantity { height:53px;}
.FlexibleCSS3ButtonQuantity span.quantity-controls,
.FlexibleCSS3ButtonQuantity span.quantity-box { float:left !important; }
.FlexibleCSS3ButtonQuantity span.quantity-controls { width:20%;}
.FlexibleCSS3ButtonQuantity span.quantity-box { width:60%;}

To fix the PDF (additional image) problem,

1- Open this PHP file:
2- Find these lines:
<a href="<?php echo JURI::root().$this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_url;?>" rel="<?php echo $this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_meta;?>" title="<?php echo $this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_meta;?>" data-image="<?php echo JURI::root().$this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_url;?>" data-zoom-image="<?php echo JURI::root().$this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_url;?>" class="<?php if ($i=='1') echo 'active';?>"><span><?php echo $this->product->images[$ImageId]->displayMediaThumb('',false,"class=''",true,false,false,0,0); ?>
        <?php if ($params->get('show_subtitle') and !empty($this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_description)) { ?>
        <div class="subTitle"><?php echo $this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_description;?></div>
        <?php } ?>
        </span> </a>

3- Replace them all with these:
<?php if ($this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_extension == 'pdf') { ?>
        	<a href="<?php echo JURI::root().$this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_url;?>" onClick="window.open('<?php echo JURI::root().$this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_url;?>', '_blank')" title="<?php echo $this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_meta;?>" target="_blank">
        		<span><?php echo $this->product->images[$ImageId]->displayMediaThumb('',false,"class=''",true,false,false,0,0); ?>
					<?php if ($params->get('show_subtitle') and !empty($this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_description)) { ?>
						<div class="subTitle"><?php echo $this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_description;?></div>
					<?php } ?>
        <?php } else { ?>
			<a href="<?php echo JURI::root().$this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_url;?>" rel="<?php echo $this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_meta;?>" title="<?php echo $this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_meta;?>" data-image="<?php echo JURI::root().$this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_url;?>" data-zoom-image="<?php echo JURI::root().$this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_url;?>" class="<?php if ($i=='1') echo 'active';?>">
				<span><?php echo $this->product->images[$ImageId]->displayMediaThumb('',false,"class=''",true,false,false,0,0); ?>
					<?php if ($params->get('show_subtitle') and !empty($this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_description)) { ?>
						<div class="subTitle"><?php echo $this->product->images[$ImageId]->file_description;?></div>
					<?php } ?>
        <?php  } ?>

(make sure to start with <a tag and end with </a> tag, while replacing)

To fix the "Child Products in dropdown" problem
Did you fix this problem already? I am seeing the dropdown on this product: shop.marcomweb.it/it/shop-online/hardware/alimentatori/barra-din/opc-server-s7-net-50-pti-dettagli.html

Last Edit: 6 years 10 months ago by Support.
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Bugs and missing icons 6 years 10 months ago #15231

Thank you very much!
These fixes work like a charm.

I've found however some other bugs.

On main page module flexslider doesn't allow me to click on products.

On products pages if I put something on cart, it shows me Cart popup. However if I go to click on "SHOW CART" button it starts image zoom

Attachment Senzanome.png not found

Thank you again!
Best regards
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Bugs and missing icons 6 years 10 months ago #15233


1- To fix the first problem.

Open this CSS file:

and remove this rule: pointer-events: none;
#flexiblewdtheme1 .flexiblewd-slider ul {
	list-style-type: none;
	position: absolute;
	width: 100%;
	left: 0;
	bottom: 120px;
	overflow: hidden;
	text-align: left;
	pointer-events: none;  <!---- REMOVE THIS RULE
	margin:0px !important;
	padding:0px !important;

2- To FIX the modal popup / zoomEffect overlapping problem. Open this CSS file:

scroll to the bottom and insert these lines:
div#facebox { z-index:99999;}

3- also add these rules, to the bottom of virtuemart.css to fix the layout problems on the "add to cart" modal popup.
#flexibleNotification .row { margin:0;}
#flexibleNotification .button { padding: 10px 0; margin:0;}
#flexibleNotification img { display:none;}
#flexibleNotification a.close:after {content: "X";float: right;padding: 10px 15px 0 0;font-size: 20px;}

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