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Use this Category for your support questions about Virtuemart Template - FashionMart (SKU# FLEX-00008)

TOPIC: Cart shopping page has display issues

Cart shopping page has display issues 11 years 3 months ago #3785

i have display issues in teh page where you proceed to pay and buy the product. Please see the capture. What do i forget to setup so that it would be displayed correctly?

kind regards

Attachment cart.JPG not found

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Cart shopping page has display issues 11 years 3 months ago #3792

Just from the screen shot this appears to be css issues - but need links to a product etc to see properly..

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Cart shopping page has display issues 11 years 3 months ago #3793


to the email i send you for the zoom probeln and the carousel issue i will include this issue also to check

kind regards
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Cart shopping page has display issues 11 years 3 months ago #3826

tried these links but nothing gets added to the cart with the add to cart button - was it working before?
try with our template completely disabled to make sure your VM is working properly..

You can temporarily disable FashionMart by changing the name of this folder from:

and set any over-rides back to default
Last Edit: 11 years 3 months ago by John.
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Cart shopping page has display issues 11 years 3 months ago #3829

it is added but the cart on the right does not work if you enable the plugin ,
It has the same problem as the carousel.
I will disable the plugin now and try again in one minute ok?
Also my skype name is andreasgr if you want to ask me something and get a quick answer
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Cart shopping page has display issues 11 years 3 months ago #3830

Your confusing me now - what exactly is the problem that you want fixed?

If it is funny layout on your cart page then just use this to find why


you have stuff like this operating on it


.customer-comment {
border: medium none;
text-align: right;

.cart-view form {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;
border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
box-shadow: 0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
color: #858585;
margin-top: 25px;
padding: 25px;
Last Edit: 11 years 3 months ago by John.
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Cart shopping page has display issues 11 years 3 months ago #3831

Hi John

it not a funny layout
It is officail shape5 template
I added the cart as a module named Virtuemart Shopping Cart on the right
Press the link and add the product to the cart and you will see the css problem

Did you receive my email concerning the zoom problem and the carousel problem? Did you manage to fix the problem?
These problems are more important for me than this

kind regards

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Cart shopping page has display issues 11 years 3 months ago #3832

re zoom stuff - can you try with SEF switched off please
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Cart shopping page has display issues 11 years 3 months ago #3835

i switched them off but still nothing
The zoom works only is i enable the plugin System - jQuery Easy as you specified but when i enable the plugin the carousel works ONLy in vertical mode.
Please login to joomla and try it for you self. Enable the plugin System - jQuery Easy and go to the main page magicfinal.silicontech.eu to see that the carousel from horizontal goes vertical even if the settings are set to horizontal. but the zoom in the fashionmart template works. On the other hand if you enable the plugin System - jQuery Easy the carousel in correctly horizontal BUT the zoom in the fashiomart template DOES not work.
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Cart shopping page has display issues 11 years 3 months ago #3839

Hi John
is everything clear now? I sent you the email with all the joomla details to see and test for your self but i see that until now you didn;t login.
Please try to fix the problem and make carousel and zoom function works ok. I paid for these and they should work. My joomla is in latest version and php also.
Please fix it
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Cart shopping page has display issues 11 years 3 months ago #3840

First - please be patient! It is a world wide Easter holiday today - your very lucky to be getting any response on an Easter Monday!!!!

2nd - official Shape 5 template - there's no such thing as a"official" template css

If one templates css interferes with the VM template then it is up to you to choose what one you want and then fix it.

If you install our VM template in a std Joomla - e.g Beez20 - you will see EVERYTHING works out of the box..

All problems that YOU are encountering are conflicts with the Shape5 template and various other plugins and modules that YOU have chosen to use....

3rdly - I still don't know WHAT your complaining about in the Cart view... all I see is wrongly aligned divs and backgrounds etc which is coming from YOUR template css - you need to fix this..
I have already told you the offending css

If there are other Cart problems please be clearer as to what they are

4th - this link - magicfinal.silicontech.eu/index.php/el/accessories/bags/backback-pro-30lt-detail

that page is a total mess - at least 3 jquery are being loaded - why are you switching off the jquery easy -?
At a minimum it has to stay because nothing works with it disabled - switch it on and leave it on...

I have done this

5th - I paid for these and they should work... they do!!!! It is conflicts with the OTHER scripts that you are using that is the problem...
I am attemping to help you with this - but - your not making it easy...

I have now enabled the jqueryeasy - and selected the CORRECT jquery version as per our instructions

everything seems to work now -

the template mess is your template -

with small changes to its css some things can be fixed - see screen shots


#s5_custom_top {
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;

if a div is given absolute positioning then of course it will sit on top of everything and not be in the element flow - that's what absolute means..

But I'm not going to re-write your S5 template for you -

I've given you some pointers where to look...

If you paid for the S5 then you should be asking them...

6th - carousel - Fixed by unpublishing the Side Slider (what ever that is).....

These are things you should have attempted - side slider is nothing to do with us - and basic troubleshooting is to switch things off and on to see what difference it makes...
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Cart shopping page has display issues 11 years 2 months ago #4556

Dear Jon

i apologise for any incovinience
I really appreciate the fact that
1. you tried to solve my problems even if it was Easter day for you. If i new it i wouldn't bother you these days. I really appreciate it.
2. I am also thankful for the help and guindance to problem that were caused by the template issuer and not you.

I am one of your customers and i will continue to be and buy new products from you since you are professional and i know that in the future you will help in any issue might arise as you do now.
Again I apologise

kind regards
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Cart shopping page has display issues 11 years 2 months ago #4563

Thanks for your kind reply.. :)

topic closed
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