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Use this Category for your support questions about Virtuemart Template - PureMart (SKU# FLEX-00010)

TOPIC: TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants

TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 6 months ago #582

For those who want to use "VM - Custom, stockable variants" along with our VM Templates should follow the tutorial:

Create a new custom field and choose "plugin" from its type, and choose "VM - Custom, stockable variants"
Fill those blanks by looking at the screenshot:


Lets assume you have 3 variants (Brown,White,Black), and you have only 1 stock for each of them. So you have 3 stock total for that product.

In my example, my Parent product's name is: Diesel Tshirt, and its colors are Brown, Black and White.

Then add 3 child products to this product. And since you have only 1 stock for each color, make sure you have set In Stock: 1 for each attributes.

Make those child product's name something like:
Diesel Tshirt - Black and SKU to something like: 0123-black
Diesel Tshirt - Brown and SKU to something like: 0123-brown
Diesel Tshirt - White, and SKU to something like: 0123-white

(this is just to avoid confusions, you can leave the product name and SKUs same as Parent product, but i would recommend you to change them.)

In the product list they should look like this at the end:


Open the Diesel T-Shirt, parent product again. From the "product status", type 3 into "In Stock" field (since you have 3 stocks from that product, 1 from each color). And from the "Custom Fields" TAB, choose "Select Color" custom field:


Then Click SAVE once. (in some browser, clicking SAVE is a requirement) Just to make things clear, click SAVE.
Then make things as in the screenshot.


In the frontend, it will look like this:


Since the BLACK is 1st in the list, if buyers don't select anything, BLACK will be added to cart automatically.


If buyers choose "WHITE" which is set ZERO "in stock". ADD TO CART button will be gone, and "Notify Me" button will appear.


SEE the LIVE DEMO from here:

That's all folks.
Last Edit: 11 years 6 months ago by Support.
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 4 months ago #1669

This is the real demostration of how weak and absurd is the virtuemart system ?!?!

I can't know which combination I can have for the product, so each new product I have to do all this process?

I can have infact


so I have to create all combinations before?
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 4 months ago #1693


Theoretically you can build up to 4 combinations, so yes, you can do:

But it would be time consuming (a lot). For instance; in "size+sleeves+player+color" combinations; you have 4 variables, and lets say each variable has 3 sub-variables. Then it means; you need to create 3x3x3x3=81 child products (just for one product) to keep the "stock info" for combination of each "sub-variables".

But let me give you quick explanation about combinations for 2 variables (color+size). and each variable has 3 sub-variables.



You need to create 9 child products to represent;
White - Small
White - Medium
White - Large
Black - Small
Black - Medium
Black - Large
Red - Small
Red- Medium
Red - Large

And each of these child product will have different stock numbers. So, once the buyer choose "white" as color, and "medium" as size, this combination (in the backend) will represent the "White - Small" child product and the stock number of that child product will be taken into consideration. If the stock number is ZERO, the "notify" button will show off, if the stock number is positive integer, then the buyer would be able to add that combination to cart.

This is how "Custom field with Stockable Variants" works in Virtuemart. The only weakness of Virtuemart is; building some large number of variations are time consuming, but the functionality is there. And Virtuemart supports up to 4 only, so it wouldn't work for 5 different combinations though. This is the another weakness..

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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 4 months ago #1734

Your original post and this last one really helps me understand how child products and the stock-able variant works - Thank You!

But in your last example where you set up 9 child products, would this then show up to the users as a dropdown with 9 options?

Could we not have the product with one dropdown for colour and another dropdown for size?
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 4 months ago #1743


Colors will be listed in the color dropdown, sizes will be listed in the size dropdown in the website.
After creating child products, you are going to link them to the custom fields you have created for any particular product.

You can create as many child product as you wish, unless you define them to any custom field, they won't be shown in anywhere in the website.

See this example:

This product uses combinations for 2 variables (color+material) and each variable has 2 sub-variables. (just like how it is explained in the previous post)

Now lets look how it looks like in the backend.
So i have this Custom Field:

Attachment ScreenShot2012-12-21at5.59.50AM.png not found

And i have 1 parent product and 4 child products ( because 2x2=4 )

Attachment ScreenShot2012-12-21at6.00.56AM.png not found

(the product name of the child product doesn't supposed be same as your custom field variants. It would just be easier for you while setuping. You can name your child product all the same though, but this will give you create lots of confusion since you wouldn't know which one is which)

And in the product details page (the product details page of the parent product)

I have this:

Attachment ScreenShot2012-12-21at6.03.11AM.png not found

Got it? So for each child product, you are choosing the COLOR and MATERIAL option. Just try it and see the results by yourself in your own website. It is not that hard, once you do it, you will understand it is pretty easy to build.

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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 3 months ago #2127

Stockable Variant is only sending the parent's weight, not the child's, can this be fixed? If my child is 0.6800 pounds, and the parent is 0.0000, because puremart only works with stockable variant, the order total weight comes out to 0.0000 pounds :(
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 3 months ago #2129

Here's solution, if anyone else needs help with this too! It's an issue with stockable.php (root/plugins/vmcustom/stockable/stockable.php) Hope this helps someone out there! Btw, I just used the weight part of this and commented out what I didn't need in my own.

Find this Code:
public function plgVmOnAddToCart(&$product){
		$customPlugin = JRequest::getVar('customPlugin',0);
		if ($customPlugin) {
			$db = JFactory::getDBO();
			$query = 'SELECT  C.* , field.*
				FROM `#__virtuemart_customs` AS C
				LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_customfields` AS field ON C.`virtuemart_custom_id` = field.`virtuemart_custom_id`
				WHERE `virtuemart_product_id` =' . $product->virtuemart_product_id.' and `custom_element`="'.$this->_name.'"';
			$query .=' and is_cart_attribute = 1';
			$productCustomsPrice = $db->loadObject();
			if (!$productCustomsPrice) return null;
			// if ( !in_array($this->_name,$customPlugin[$productCustomsPrice->virtuemart_custom_id]) ) return false;
			$selected = $customPlugin[$productCustomsPrice->virtuemart_customfield_id]['stockable']['child_id'];
			if (!$child = $this->plgVmCalculateCustomVariant($product, $productCustomsPrice,$selected) ) return false;
			if ($child->product_sku)
				$product->product_sku = $child->product_sku;
			if ($child->product_name)
				$product->product_name = $child->product_name;
			$product->product_in_stock = $child->product_in_stock;

Replace with:
public function plgVmOnAddToCart(&$product){
		$customPlugin = JRequest::getVar('customPlugin',0);
		if ($customPlugin) {
			$db = JFactory::getDBO();
			$query = 'SELECT  C.* , field.*
				FROM `#__virtuemart_customs` AS C
				LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_product_customfields` AS field ON C.`virtuemart_custom_id` = field.`virtuemart_custom_id`
				WHERE `virtuemart_product_id` =' . $product->virtuemart_product_id.' and `custom_element`="'.$this->_name.'"';
			$query .=' and is_cart_attribute = 1';
			$productCustomsPrice = $db->loadObject();
			if (!$productCustomsPrice) return null;
			// if ( !in_array($this->_name,$customPlugin[$productCustomsPrice->virtuemart_custom_id]) ) return false;
			$selected = $customPlugin[$productCustomsPrice->virtuemart_customfield_id]['stockable']['child_id'];
			if (!$child = $this->plgVmCalculateCustomVariant($product, $productCustomsPrice,$selected) ) return false;
			if ($child->product_sku)       $product->product_sku       = $child->product_sku;
			if ($child->product_name)    $product->product_name    = $child->product_name;
			$product->product_in_stock = $child->product_in_stock;  // Override this even if null. 
			if ($child->product_weight)    $product->product_weight = $child->product_weight;
			if ($child ->product_weight_uom) $product->product_weight_uom = $child->product_weight_uom;
			if ($child->product_length) $product->product_length = $child->product_length;
			if ($child->product_width) $product->product_width = $child->product_width;
			if ($child->product_height) $product->product_height = $child->product_height;
			if ($child->product_lwh_uom) $product->product_lwh_uom = $child->product_lwh_uom;
			// if ($child->min_order_level) $product->min_order_level = $child->min_order_level;
			// if ($child->max_order_level) $product->max_order_level = $child->max_order_level;

Find this code:
function getValideChild($child_id ) {
		$db = JFactory::getDBO();
		$q = 'SELECT `product_sku`,`product_name`,`product_in_stock`,`product_ordered`,`product_availability` FROM `#__virtuemart_products` JOIN `#__virtuemart_products_'.VMLANG.'` as l using (`virtuemart_product_id`) WHERE `published`=1 and `virtuemart_product_id` ='.(int)$child_id ;
		$child = $db->loadObject();
		if ($child) {
			if ('disableit_children' === $this->stockhandle) {
				$stock = $child->product_in_stock - $child->product_ordered ;
				if ($stock>0)return $child ;
				else return false ;
			else return $child ;
		return false ;

Replace with this:
function getValideChild($child_id ) {
		$db = JFactory::getDBO();
		$q = 'SELECT `product_sku`,`product_name`,`product_in_stock`,`product_ordered`,`product_availability`,`product_weight`,`product_weight_uom`,`product_length`,`product_width`,`product_height`,`product_lwh_uom` FROM `#__virtuemart_prfoducts` JOIN `#__virtuemart_products_'.VMLANG.'` as l using (`virtuemart_product_id`) WHERE `published`=1 and `virtuemart_product_id` ='.(int)$child_id ;
		$child = $db->loadObject();
		if ($child) {
			if ('disableit_children' === $this->stockhandle) {
				$stock = $child->product_in_stock - $child->product_ordered ;
				if ($stock>0)return $child ;
				else return false ;
			else return $child ;
		return false ;
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 3 months ago #2137

Thanks for your descriptions, this seems to make good sense and I am going to be testing it with diferent products today.

But if I have 3000 products and each have 3 stockable child variants, this is going to create;

approx 12000 products
3000 custom plugins.

Would you know wether this would start to effect the speed of the site?

Currently in my VM1 setup (& I dont like to refer back to old software), I have 3000 products with there child products set up attributes, but while this new method makes the products look nice and there doesn't seem to be duplicate URL's, I'm worried about the amount of extra data this creates.
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 3 months ago #2146


Changing the Core Virtuemart might or might not cause extra data. The core modification must be carefully investigated before being applied. But I looked at the modifications, if that works, then I don't think it will cause any extra DATA creation, yes it grabs more data from database but few more variables won't be problem at all. It simply gets the weight value from child, instead of parent. Indeed If this patch works, this should be added to official VMCustom plugin as well. Thanks Kris.

Forum Support.
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 2 months ago #2451


I´ve two issues with this:

If I don´t select a Manufacturer related to the child product (VM->Product->Product Information)
then the product price isn't showing on my Product Details.

Attachment color_selection_child_not_featured.JPG not found

Otherwise, if I select a child product's Manufacturer (VM->Product->Product Information)
then In Category it is showing as many as "child products" have the product parent and a Warning Message

Attachment category_error_example.jpg not found

And obviously, i don't want to show there tiny differences of the same product (size, colors).
But in this case, in the Product Detail the price was shown ok if I access to one of the child products

Attachment Price_ok_example_2013-02-16.JPG not found

I want to show only the product parent in category and in product detail section show every price linked to every size/color (Like your example).

What can i do? What is wrong?

I'm using Joomla 2.5.8 and VM 2.0.12f

Thanks in advance for any reply.
Last Edit: 11 years 2 months ago by Erick.
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 2 months ago #2463

Hi Erick,

This is not a discussion forum for Virtuemart, but instead; this is our support ticket area. Your all questions will be answered by Flexible Web Design Support Desk. Please ask help if you are experiencing a problem about the extension/template that you have purchased from us.

You are using a VM Template that doesn't belong to us. Please ask for support from where you got that VM Template. OR try forum.virtuemart.net

Forum Support.
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 2 months ago #2500

I have in productdetail the problem that I cannot list childproducts, meaning it never enters the IF condition.
if (!empty($this->product->customsChilds)) { ?>

But the dropbox with the variants/childs work perfect.

The reason I want to change the code is because I want to have the variants/childs in a "LIST-View" (instead of a dropbox). With a card symbol to every row. Is there any chance I can archieve this in puremart ?

Thank you for your help, it's much appreciated.

Best regards

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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 2 months ago #2511


If you want to change the style of custom field. You need to make changes in Virtuemart Core files, which is off-topic with PureMart. Which means, you would need the same changes even if were using the default layout of Virtuemart as well.

If you want to add "add to cart" button to each custom field. Opps, you would need to re-build the Virtuemart. Tough thing to do. Did you check the forum.virtuemart.net? You can try to create a topic in there, but i am 99% sure; no one would answer, because what you are asking is a very complicated thing (even though it sounds simple).

Let's assume you finally manage to do it, since you make change in the Core Virtuemart files, you will be stuck to the current Virtuemart version (VM2.0.18a). You won't be able to update your Virtuemart anymore, because once you do it, every files you make changes will be retrieved back to original. This is why personally i don't recommend you to touch any Virtuemart Core files.

Core files are located here:

And some modules that comes with Virtuemart AIO
I would recommend you to not to touch these folders/files but do what ever you want with template overriding (PureMart is all about template overriding) But you can't do what you are asking with template overriding, you would need to go deep into core files.

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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 1 month ago #3326

I followed your tutorial in any step but when i select a product from the selector the image does not changes. Please see here:

How can i send you user and password in order to try to help me in fixing this?
Thank you!
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 1 month ago #3332

Our problem is this is nothing to do with our extensions or templates.. we provided this tutorial only as a general help.

You should be asking for help in the Virtuemart forums...
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 1 month ago #3353


Celso Velarde, The image won't change if you use "VM Custom Field with Stockable Variant". It is only for stocking.
You should be using "Generic Child Variant" if you want to the image changing functionality as well as stocking.

See the sample: www.flexiblewebdesign.com/virtuemart-2-template-puremart/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=50&virtuemart_category_id=6

"Generic Child Variant" is being used for this Sample product. And each child product has its own product picture. So once the variable is changed, the product picture also changes. And while doing this, PureMArt uses AJAX LOADING, instead refreshing the entire page.

This Custom Field: Generic Child Variant option is good if you want to show different product pictures for different attributes. While you are generating this custom field; make sure

"Parent Orderable" is UNCHECKED
"Display parent as option" is CHECKED

For more info you can google it or take a look at forum.virtuemart.net

Forum Support.
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 1 month ago #3412

Thank you Support, because i was thinking that the answer that the previous person gave to me was rude. Anyway, when i see the option i done have "generic child variant" only "customer text input", "product specification" and "stockable variants" ... any idea of why thw "generic child" is not appearing?. Thank you so much.
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 1 month ago #3415

My reply was never meant as rude! I am simply explaining that this tutorial is provided as a help to Virtuemart users but this whole subject has nothing to do with our templates or extensions.....

There is an extremely large and busy forum for Virtuemart itself where there are many more resources to help you....

It is obviously for your own benefit to be directed to where the help will be most easily found.. I know the boss is extremely busy - if your lucky he may fine time to answer you - if not - this isn't my area of expertise!

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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 1 month ago #3416

Thats ok, maybe i was upset for not achieving the guide ... finally i got some advances. Anyway, thank you.
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 11 years 1 month ago #3426

Your welcome Celso, please don't take it personally, just develop some empathy for us and image how many people -more or less- ask the same questions everyday ;) I am glad that i was able to help you in this. Custom field is a tough topic and you can learn about it only by "trying". Create yourself a testing environment and try all the different custom fields and see which one best fits your needs.

Have a good one.

Forum Support.
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 10 years 10 months ago #4979

support wrote:
The image won't change if you use "VM Custom Field with Stockable Variant". It is only for stocking.
You should be using "Generic Child Variant" if you want to the image changing functionality as well as stocking.

Are you saying it is possible to change the product image to match a color selected from the options drop-down menu AND track inventory levels? That's what I need.

I sounds like you're suggesting I set up 2 custom fields for my parent product - VM Custom Field with Stockable Variant AND Generic Child Variant. Is that correct? How would that work?

Well I tried including both custom fields. It shows 2 popups on the product details page and the Generic Child Variant popup does change the color, but how can I set it to display one popup, change the color when selected, and track inventory of child products?

OK, I think I got it: Set only Generic Child Variant custom field and now it displays and functions correctly, but I can't tell for sure if it will track inventory of products. Do you know for sure this configuration will count stock levels as items are sold?

Only one other question: On my category page, the product is showing an add-to-cart button for the parent product even though the Parent orderable is not checked. On your demo there is no add to cart button in the category listing.

J 2.5.11
VM 2.0.20b
Puremart 3.6

Last Edit: 10 years 10 months ago by Richard Sparks. Reason: add more details
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 10 years 10 months ago #4989

Re the add to cart on Cat pages - this has been explained a few times on the forum here - but basically VM was never designed to have add to cart on cat views
This is why std VM doesn't as it can be problomatic as you've found when you start to have custom attributes etc

If you tell me what demo product and page url I will tell you how it's set up

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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 10 years 10 months ago #4998

I have Puremart 3.6 installed and trying to set up generic child variants as demonstrated on www.flexiblewebdesign.com/virtuemart-2-template-puremart/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=6&Itemid=435 Everything works perfectly except the add to cart button is displaying on the category page but it shouldn't.

My page URL with the problem is www.ibtanked.com/kits/batteries-chargers - the product is 650 Winder, only one on that page.

Is there more I can tell you? I can send admin login if that would help.

I just noticed the Add to Cart button is not shown on list view, but it does appear on both grid views. Maybe that helps track down the issue? Add to Cart button is set in the plugin to appear in all 3 views.

Thanks for your help!

P.S. -- and please confirm that Generic Child Variant custom field will properly track inventory. What I've read says you only use that if you don't need to keep track of stock. Inventory tracking is critical for this store.
Last Edit: 10 years 10 months ago by Richard Sparks. Reason: add more details
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 10 years 10 months ago #5008

I can't see any thing we do differently....

have notified the dev team - please be patient

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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 10 years 10 months ago #5023

- Generic Child Variant
Or -Custom Field, Stockable Variants

They are both okay for "track inventory". Theoretically, if "child product" is involved, it will let you to track the inventory of product variants.

In the new version of PureMart we decided to hide the add to cart button if the product has some variant to choose. Otherwise, the visitor might click the "add to cart" button without being aware there are some product variants are exist. For this purpose, we put a "check" function to check if there are variant for that particular product.

I don't know why "this checking" doesn't work in your website.I need to check your backend.

Please provide me your joomla (super) admin account to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let me take a look at it. If i can, i will fix it.

(while emailing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., don't forget to include this forum post's URL at the top of your message to avoid any possible confusion in our end)

Last Edit: 10 years 10 months ago by Support.
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 10 years 10 months ago #5026

My super user details have been emailed to you.

While your there, perhaps you could check why the following plugin settings aren't working as expected:
"Tiny ADD-TO-CART in GridView" is only working on some of my products, and
"Custom Fields in ListView" - does this only work with stockable variants plugin? With Generic Child Variants custom field it shows nothing in list view.

Thanks for your help!
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 10 years 10 months ago #5050


Let me clear this out.
If you use Generic Child Variant custom field, in browse page, there won't be any visible "add to cart" button. Visitor should open the product details page and choose a product variant first. It will refresh the page, the new child product's info (photos, product description, stock info and everything) will be loaded, since it is not possible to do within category browse page. Opening the product details page is necessity.

Ideally speaking, if you are planing to use "product variant" (doesn't matter which one you are using, either stockable or non-stockable product variant), it is always safe to disable add to cart button through category browse page completely. Because it is quite possible visitor will add the product to cart without choosing a product variant. Soon or later It will give you some headache such shipping the wrong product. Clicking the product details and seeing the product details page is not a hard thing to do for buyers and won't cause any loss of conversion, I have been shopping online for many years and I have never bought a product by clicking the "add to cart" button through category browse page :) everybody wants to see the product details page, such as product descriptions, large product photos etc.. am i correct? to be honest with you, add to cart button in category browse page is the most ridiculous thing.. beside it is not possible with original virtuemart. And we pushed our limit to include this feature in our VM Template, but you know.. there are lots of different scenarios and most of the time it doesn't quite fit. Most of the time i am saying myself, we shouldn't have done it so, almost half of the support questions in this forum would have never been asked.

I did the patch to your website, and now, the "add to cart" button is invisible in the browse page if the Generic Child Variant is used. Furthermore, you can open the "Flexible VM2 Template" plugin and disable the "add to cart" usage in category browse page completely for other type of custom fields. (I recommend you to do so)

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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 10 years 10 months ago #5053

Thank you for the patch! Will I have to do this patch again if in the future PureMart has a newer version and I upgrade? If so, what was the patch you made?

I agree with you about add to cart buttons on category browse page. I have another site using this theme and it looks much better without them, especially when some products show the button and some don't because of child variants. I'll suggest this to my client on the site you patched.

It looks odd though when some products show a price and others don't because of variants. I was wondering if it would be somehow possible to display the product short description on the browse page under the product name. Then if there are child products, I could write something like "Several options available" and it would show where the price shows for other products.

What do you think?
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 10 years 9 months ago #5381

Hello again I am still confusing about those special custom fields

I have tried creating 2 products:

1 parent
-- 2 child - Red and Yellow
for each child - Long sleeves and Shorts Sleeves
for each child products all sizes M L XL

But when checking backound is completely messy and custom fields are not saved

I have tried with stockable child, but in frontend no dropdown is displayed. And this is a problem by template, because changing template are shown

Then I wish also the above mentioned behaviour about picture and description to be changed inside the template.

Again the structure is strange because I need to have one custom field for each combination I need.... mmah , virtuemart is strange :D
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 10 years 9 months ago #5385


with urls we can't even begin to try and help you - how could we?

proper links to examples of this behaviour....

You can see on all our demo pages that custom fields DO work...

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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 10 years 3 months ago #8127

Hi i want that my product size change when i select size and its price also change in Product specification area or with custom field
For example i have product of bedsheet its Has three sizes

suppose when i select queen its shows price of queen wih the change and its product dimension

Plz help me
Last Edit: 10 years 3 months ago by aisha.
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 10 years 3 months ago #8142


By default, Virtuemart is not able to update anything (except the price) upon the selection made. Without some custom modification, because our free support doesn't cover any kind of custom modification. Your best bet is to set your custom fields something like:

- Single ( 3 feet x 6 feet )
- Double ( 5 feet x 6 feet )
- Queen ( 6 feet x 6 feet )

So the sizings will be included to product variant in the drop down. If you set different prices for those attributes, the product price will be updated automatically (Virtuemart is capable to do it).

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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 8 years 11 months ago #12682

Is it possible to show dropdown listing in horizontal row using stockable variants plugins. Currently, i am using Darkmart.

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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 8 years 11 months ago #12690

Hi Mohammad, what you are asking (or pretty much anything about the design in the front-end) is possible, if proper coding modifications are applied.

But they are 100% custom modification and unfortunately we don't provide free support or step-by-step instructions for custom coding modifications.

You may purchase premium support:

and let us take care this modification for you directly on your website though.

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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 8 years 10 months ago #12749

Ok, i will change in css.
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TUTORIAL: Custom Field with Stockable Variants 8 years 10 months ago #12758

this topic is closed for clearance.

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