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Use this Category for your support questions about Virtuemart Template - PureMart (SKU# FLEX-00010)

TOPIC: Product Page not displaying.

Product Page not displaying. 11 years 4 months ago #2035


I'm new to your products so this may be a newbie question which has already been answered somewhere else. I may also have simply broken things by the way in which I'm working.

I purchased a multi-domain license and I'm building a site for a client.

The way I normally work is to build sites on a local VM and at the end of each sprint cycle I deploy the code onto a sub-domain of my main site to allow for client feedback, I use Akeeba Backup to back the site up and the kickstart script to restore it. This works fine for Virtuemart normally and in fact the current restore works fine if I remove the com_virtuemart folder you provided from my template directory.

Once restored and I link to the product page either through the category navigation (categories work fine) or a direct menu link to a product I just get a blank page, no output.

I've debugged Joomla and it works just fine up until the libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php executes the line include $this->_template; which includes your supplied script com_virtuemart/productdetails/default.php installed in the template directory as per the instructions.

I looked at your script, but of course you have the // DUMP LINES FOR DOMAIN VALIDATION section. I added a debug statement after the end of this section but get no output, so I suspect this is the problem area.

I notice that you request user id and password details to fix other peoples issues, but I don't feel very comfortable with that. So what can I do next?

Attachment Sitephpdetails.txt not found

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Product Page not displaying. 11 years 4 months ago #2037

We have asked more than 100 people's password credentials to fix problems, and none of them have had any problem so far. But i totally understand you. Don't worry, i won't ask yours :)

In the // DUMP LINES don't include many PHP lines. They are obfuscated to protect our works (in case any pirate usage)

I am emailing you the encoded version of that PHP file
which doesn't have obfuscated lines at all.

Last Edit: 11 years 4 months ago by Support.
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Product Page not displaying. 11 years 4 months ago #2048

Thanks for the very quick response, I have the file and will work on this today.

Please don't think that my unwillingness to pass on my credentials is in anyway a reflection upon yourselves. I come from a data security background and never let anyone have credentials details.
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Product Page not displaying. 11 years 4 months ago #2051


I've debugged this code and the following section .....

<?php if (!($parameter == "quicklook")) { ?><a href="#enlarge" class="FlexibleEnlargeView"><?php echo $params->get('productdetails_enlarge','Specifications'); ?></a>
<? } else {
echo "<br/>";

Should be

<?php if (!($parameter == "quicklook")) { ?><a href="#enlarge" class="FlexibleEnlargeView"><?php echo $params->get('productdetails_enlarge','Specifications'); ?></a>
<?php } else {
echo "<br/>";

I really do like this template, it look's really cool......

Thanks Darren
Last Edit: 11 years 4 months ago by Support.
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Product Page not displaying. 11 years 4 months ago #2059

Ohh shit,

I understood the problem now.
Looks like we made a terrible typo mistake.

We typed <? } else { instead of <?php } else {
Some server ignores this typo by having the short_open_tag enabled through php.ini by default, (included our server), but some not. This is why up until now we didn't noticed that failure.

Thanks for pointing this out. I am now fixing it.

Case solved. Topic is closed.

Forum Support.
Last Edit: 11 years 4 months ago by Support.
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