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Use this Category for your support questions about Virtuemart Template - PureMart (SKU# FLEX-00010)

TOPIC: Questions

Questions 11 years 6 months ago #1294


I bought Your template PureMart couple days ago and now I have some questions:

Site url is: www.dobra-stran.si/

- In Internet Explorer version 8 the PRODUCT DETAILS PAGE is not showing correctly (in IE9 and other browsers works fine), any ideas?
- If I turn the component One Page Checkout on, than the Shopping Card doesnt work, can You please help?

The site - www.dobra-stran.si/ is the test side. Will there be any problems whit the template when we move it to the site, where we will use it sit?

Thank You very much for Your answers.

Best Regards,

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Questions 11 years 6 months ago #1306


- IE8 is out of date. It doesn' support HTML5 and CSS3, it is simply because there were no such things like HTML5 and CSS3 when IE8 was released. It is normal if the layout looks different, and some things don't work as expected. But c'moon. Who else is using IE8 anymore? IE10 has just released though.

- I don't know what you mean by "when you turn on One checkout page component", That component doesn't come with our VM Template, looks like it is a 3rd party extension. Our VM Template was designed to work with original Virtuemart, not together with any other extensions. Contact to "One Page Checkout" component developers and ask for support from them, because they would know what is wrong.

You can disable our VM Template's influence in your Shopping Cart, then it will become Virtuemart original again,then i am sure the One Page Checkout component would work okay. Because both them and us; we assume our clients will use the original virtuemart along with our Virtuemart Extensions. Combining 2 different extensions from different source won't work, which would be normal.

To eliminate our Virtuemart Template's influence from your shopping cart page, open your FTP and change this folder name:


Then you will start using the original Virtuemart's layout in the shopping cart, therefore the extension you mentioned should start working okay.

- As long as you type the OrderID and your Username correctly in the Flexible VM2 Template plugin, our VM Template will work okay in that new destination domain. Without any problem, and you can move everything to your real website simply by drag-drop method.

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