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Use this Category for your support questions about Virtuemart Template - PureMart (SKU# FLEX-00010)

TOPIC: Conflict with the add to cart button, enlarge img

Conflict with the add to cart button, enlarge img 11 years 6 months ago #1288


I recently bought puremart theme. I installed with the gantry template framework, but I have problems with the add to cart button, quick lock, enlarge image in product page, something conflict of the popup boxes.
Can you help me

Thank you in advance
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Conflict with the add to cart button, enlarge img 11 years 6 months ago #1304

Yes, sure but i need to see your website to point out what causes the conflict issue.
But i can give you this TIP.

In Virtuemart related pages, look at the "source codes" and see how many jQuery (s) are loading. You should have only 1, which must be jQuery1.6.4 (this jQuery version is being loaded by Virtuemart by default). Beside jQuery1.6.4 there shouldn't be any jQuery. If there are any, have them not to be loaded. If you are using K2 component, most likely it loads an another, open the K2 components, click "parameter" and disable "jQuery loading". If any other component or plugin loads additional jQuery, have them not to load (at least not in the Virtuemart-related pages).

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Conflict with the add to cart button, enlarge img 11 years 6 months ago #1325

Thanks for the advice given, I managed to solve the problem jquerry conflict.
Now works correctly.

I have a question. How do I size the popup width and height. Scroll appears to width. I want to increase the size of x.

Thank you in advance,

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Conflict with the add to cart button, enlarge img 11 years 6 months ago #1350


Open the category browse page PHP file, which is located in here:
(default.php, flexv2.php or whatever category browse page layout you chose through VM configuration)

And in this PHP file, look for this lines:
..... rel="facebox" rev="iframe|550|900" ......

(be aware, you will find these lines in many different places. In this lines, 550|900 represents; height:550px and width:900px;, you can play around with those numbers. Those will re-size the facebox modal popup's size.

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Conflict with the add to cart button, enlarge img 11 years 6 months ago #1362

than you,

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Conflict with the add to cart button, enlarge img 11 years 6 months ago #1366

your welcome.

Case solved. Topic is closed.
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