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Use this Category for your support questions about Responsive Joomla Virtuemart Template - Asymmetric (SKU# FLEX-00017)

TOPIC: [SOLVED]Problem creating categories Virtuemart

[SOLVED]Problem creating categories Virtuemart 10 years 1 week ago #9632

I am very happy with the template, and I started from quickpackage.
Unfortunately, when I create a category of Virtuemart always seems to have an addiction to a higher category, which actually does not exist (perhaps existed with the sample data).
I even looked in the database "virtuemart_category_categories", and them if I understand it the "category_parent_id" are all zero, and so are all of the main level.

Can anyone help me? There are two days that I feel, but I can not find the problem!?!
Last Edit: 10 years 1 week ago by Pino - IT.
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Problem creating categories Virtuemart 10 years 1 week ago #9639

I answer only...

I did not understand the cause. I deleted everything on the menu that I had overridden by a language that is not present in the store, and I rewrote everything on the menu, and now it works.

Thank you all anyway, and congratulations for the great template!

Pino ...
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Problem creating categories Virtuemart 10 years 1 week ago #9653


The confusion of Itemid must have caused that. It is a joomla thing.
If you have a organized Menu Manager, this confusion won't happen again. It is always good to keep the menu manager well-organized. Create a menu item for pages you use in the website, and if you are linking sub-pages with manual URL, then make sure to include the itemid at the end. There should be no link in your website (internally) without an itemID at the URL, because if the itemid is blank, joomla will use the previous page's itemid automatically, which will break the breadcrumbs.

Case solved. Topic is closed.

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